Purchase CHICC merchandise through PlayHQ
This is a walkthrough on how to purchase CHICC merchandise using PlayHQ.
This shopping cart is a little different than most. To enter the Crocs’ shop you will need to have a PlayHQ login, associated Cricket ID and a credit card. If you have registered with the club for the season the PlayHQ login and Cricket ID will already have been set up for you. Below are the steps you can follow to purchase our merchandise if you are unsure of the process. If you have any queries about any of the CHICC products please contact the Crocs’ Shop at crocshop@chicc.net .
Here is a short video on using the Crocs’ Shop. It does assume that you have registered already as a player (or registered one of your children as a player). Please use the documentation for further assistance.
Step 1: You need to get to the PlayHQ.com site in the Coomera Hope Island Cricket Club section. You can do this by either
- Clicking on this link.
- Go to https://playhq.com and type in ‘Coomera Hope’ in the search box and press ‘Get started’. Click on the ‘Coomera Hope Island Cricket Club’ option and go to the ‘Register’ tab. Press ‘Select’ directly underneath the “Crocs’ Shop” option.
Step 2: You are now at the PlayHQ site. Click on ‘Get started ->’ to continue.

Step 3: You will be asked to log in with your PlayHQ account email address. If you do not have one yet click on ‘Create an account’. If you already have one jump to step 8.

You will be reminded that you should create an account for yourself even if you are going to register a child to play, even though it does not matter here at the Crocs’ Shop.

Step 4: You will be asked to fill in your contact details. Make sure the email address you use can be reached by you at the time of filling this out as you will be asked to verify the address. You may wish to note that you can change your email address at a later date once you have created your PlayHQ account. Your mobile phone number will not be verified here. Press ‘Sign up’ once completed.

Step 5: You will be asked to confirm that your name is correct because you will not be able to change it again without contacting PlayHQ support.

Step 6: You will now be sent an email with a verification code. A page will appear that will ask for that verification code.

This code will be a six digit code that will look something like what is below. Once the code is entered please click on ‘Confirm code’.

Step 7: You should now have arrived at the page below with a green indicator saying you have a PlayHQ account.

Step 8: To log into your PlayHQ account place your email and password like below. Press the ‘Log in’ button.

Step 9: This is where things are a little different with a normal shopping cart or registration. You should now select yourself to ‘register’. This will allow you to view all CHICC products that you can purchase, other than player registration. Press ‘Continue’.

Step 10: You now have the option to be registered as a player. This is misleading as you are not actually registering as a player, but someone who may purchase CHICC products. Once you have select the role ‘Player’ press ‘Continue’.

Step 11: Your details should now be on display. If you have not created a PlayHQ account before, you now can fill in your details and make sure you get the date of birth correct here as you cannot change it once you get passed this point without contacting PlayHQ support. Once you are happy with your details press ‘Save and Continue’.

If you are creating a PlayHQ account you are now asked to confirm that the date of birth of the participant is correct.
Step 12: The page you are now on is meant to show any club or association fees that are due before any purchases of products. There will be none so please tick the box for the Terms and Conditions and press ‘Continue’.

Step 13: You have now arrived at the shopping cart. All available CHICC products for purchase will be listed. When selecting a purchase, please provide a quantity and size (if applicable) and once that is completed press the ‘Add to Order’ button beside the item of interest. The text ‘Your order has been updated View Order’ will appear every time you press ‘Update Order’ successfully. If you wish to purchase more than one of the same item that requires a different choice in size, simply select the quantity and given size you wish for that particular sized item, press ‘Update Order’ and then do the same for the different size. Before you continue on to the next page, you may wish to look at your order by pressing the ‘Order Summary’ button. Once you are happy with your order, press the ‘Continue’ button.

Step 14: You may now be asked to link your CricketID to your PlayHQ account. This will happen if you had to create a PlayHQ account to get to here or you have not registered anyone to a cricket club before using PlayHQ. If you already have a CricketId linked to your PlayHQ account, you can jump to step 15. Press the ‘Link Cricket ID’ button.

You will be asked to log into your Cricket ID. If you already have one sign in with the appropriate sign in option or use the email address and password. With the correct login you can jump to step 15. If you have a Cricket ID but have forgotten your password press the ‘Forgot Password’ link, fill in your email address and press the ‘Send password reset email’ button and jump to here. If you do not have a Cricket ID, press the ‘Sign up link’ to continue.

To create a new Cricket ID, you will get this form. The email address you use here will need to be accessible as you will need to verify it within 30 minutes. Make sure you fill in the mandatory fields that have an asterisk (*). Once completed press ‘Complete Cricket ID’.

You now need to verify that the email address you just added (or forgot the password to) for your Cricket ID is yours. You will get a form that looks like below. Fill in the verification code from the email received and press ‘Continue’.

If you did not create a new Cricket ID but forgot your password you will be shown a form similar to what is below. You can edit whatever you need here and then press ‘Continue’.

You should now have your PlayHQ account linked with your Cricket ID. The page you are up to should look like the image below. To get to the final step press ‘Continue’.

Step 15: You are now at the payment page. This outlines in amount due and allows you to enter your credit card details. Please note you are only paying for the products you wish to purchase from the shop, there are no registration fees. Once you have filled in your credit card details, including your billing address, please press ‘Confirm purchase’.

Step 16: A confirmation screen should now appear. Please note that even though it shows you have successfully ‘registered’, in this case that only means you have purchased CHICC products, not registered as a player for a CHICC team.

You are done! You should receive a receipt of your purchase via email and a list of the products you requested will be sent to the club. Depending on the items purchased, some will be available immediately from the CHICC clubhouse, but others will require some time to arrive at the clubhouse. Please contact the Crocs’ Shop at crocshop@chicc.net if you have any queries relating to your purchases.
If you so wish you may now log off PlayHQ.
Thank you for your interest in the friendliest cricket club of the Gold Coast!